Conference Paper
Multi-frequency propagation measurements over a horizontal path above the sea surface in the Baltic Sea
The results of a propagation experiment with measurements above the sea surface during September 2011 in the frame of the Squirrel campaign are shown. For the experiment, MEMPHIS, a highly versatile radar developed at Fraunhofer FHR (former FGAN) was applied to perform a number of measurements towards a point target (corner reflector) located at the Bookniseck site over a pathlenghts of nearly 8 km. Each of the measurements was conducted over a typical temporal interval of less than 10 minutes on 10 consecutive days. Meteorological information was collected by the German Technical Center for Ships and Naval Weapons (WTD 71) in terms of humidity, sea- and air temperature, wind speed and waveheight in order to study the influence of these parameters on the propagating signals. The analysis of the datasets is shown together with a comparison with the TERPEM model based on the parabolic wave equation.