Port terminal planning. ...and a "green" container terminal layout
Title Supplement
Presentation held at Ports & the Environment Seminar, 22.03.2012, Amsterdam
The presentation introduces Fraunhofer CML, its research fields and research topics. One of the research topics is the seaport terminal planning process. After an overview of the whole process, for each step activities, challenges and results are explained. These steps are "Fact Finding", "Layout Planning", "Capacity Analysis", "Equipment Requirements", "Manning Requirements", "Verification by Simulation", "Financial Analysis" and "Criteria Aggregation and Recommendation". Typically, the jobs of each step are conducted using various software tools, which is time consuming and in danger of transferring mistakes or bugs due to the media disruptions. The Fraunhofer CML is developing the "toolbased rapid planning environment (ToolbaR PlannEr)", where all software based steps will be connected. All needed planning tools will be connected via a central database and no media disruptions will occur during the planning process. Due to three-dimensional visualization in all planning process steps, time for communication can be saved. As an example, the ideas of an energy efficient container terminal are shown using visualizations made by the ToolbaRPlannEr.