Conference Paper
Design of a SIW meander antenna for 60 GHz applications
This paper describes the development of a Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Meander Antenna whose main lobe is steerable by variation of the feed frequency. Generally for radar-tracking of fast moving objects a high scanning rate is needed. Due to the mass inertia mechanically steering radar systems are limited in their scanning rates. A possible solution to overcome this disadvantage is given by using electric beam steering. In most cases conventional array-feed networks are very complex, large and expensive. This fact restricts the mobile usage of such systems. The proposed design of a SIW slot array antenna allows steering of the main lobe by a simple frequency change. This concept leads to a significant reduction of the array dimensions and an improvement of the scanning range. A broadside radiation is achieved at the centre frequency of 60 GHz. Measured scan angle show the values of 20 degrees.