Conference Paper
Acoustic measurement system for 3D loudspeaker set-ups
For any reproducible listening set-up it is crucial to verify whether the reproduction system is operating properly. This is a tedious and cumbersome task, as state-of-the-art listening rooms are equipped with intricate signal processing chains and a higher number of loudspeakers arranged at very specific positions. Building an automatic test-system with an adequate accuracy and reliability represents a rather challenging engineering problem. This contribution presents a multi-loudspeaker test-system, which accomplishes this task, realized by carefully combining existing measurement techniques. The thorough validation of the developed test-system indicates an accuracy in determining the position of ±3°, the distance of ±4 cm, and the magnitude response of ±1 dB, for each loudspeaker in the listening room with a total measurement time of less than 10 s per loudspeaker.