Conference Paper
Using the UML testing profile for enterprise service choreographies
In this paper we present an approach of using model-driven technologies for testing of service component interactions. We report on an industrial experiment with a novel combination of existing UML standards, i.e., the UML Testing Profile (U2TP), in conjunction with proprietary domain specific languages (DSLs). Many model-based testing (MBT) approaches use the UML 2 standard, but very few of them use also U2TP. Moreover, in practice UML coexists with DSLs which makes the overall integration not easy. We present our experiences and challenges of a U2TP-enabled MBT approach for a DSL for enterprise service choreographies, which describe the communication protocols between service components. The proposed workflow directly translates choreographies into UML models augmented with U2TP stereotypes, which are further loaded into our FOKUS!MBT tool chain. The tool provides an implementation of the U2TP standalone meta-model along with test case and test data generators to desc ribe a holistic test process within one dedicated meta-model for testing concerns.