Conference Paper
Statistics of MUSHRA Revisited
Listening tests are the final instance when judging perceived audio quality. To achieve reliable and repeatable re-sults, the experimental design and the statistical analysis of results are of great importance. The "triple stimulus with hidden reference" test (Rec. ITU-R BS.1116) and the MUSHRA test (multi-stimulus with hidden reference and an-chors, Rec. ITU-R BS.1534, MUSHRA) are well established standardised listening tests. Traditionally, the statistical analysis of both is based on simple parametric statistics. This paper reanalyses the results from MUSHRA tests with alternative statistical approaches mainly considering the fact that in MUSHRA every listener is not only assigning a score to each item, but is performing an inherent ranking test and a paired comparison test (""better-worse"") between pairs of stimuli. Thus, more statistical information is made visible.