Conference Proceeding
THESEUS/ImageCLEF Pre-Workshop. Proceedings
Title Supplement
Co-located with the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) Workshop and 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries ECDL 2009, Corfu, Greece, 29 September, 2009
The THESEUS/ImageCLEF workshop follows the tradition of preceeding QUAERO and MUSCLE Workshops between 2005 and 2008. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the results of the ImageCLEF initiative, provide feedback to both participants and organizers and to figure out new challenging image retrieval and analysis tasks for future evaluations. Of further interest are topics related to visual information retrieval, databases and annotation processes. Additionally, a special focus is set on information retrieval supported by structured knowledge e.g. by using ontologies.
Person Involved
Corporate Author
Fraunhofer-Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie -IDMT-, Ilmenau