Conference Paper
Space blast pipe - An innovative Space transportation concept
There is a trend for small satellites to be brought into Low Earth Orbit. The current way of using expendable launchers for transport is associated with several drawbacks, such as high cost, considerable risks and environmental pollution. A new visionary long-term concept is presented that is based on the effect of atmospheric/gas pressure. The key issue of this future launch device is a very long evacuated tube called "Space Blast Pipe" (SBP). Initially, the payload is installed on a piston-like platform near the bottom of the pipe. The tube below the payload is then inflated with atmospheric or higher pressure gas, accelerating the piston with the payload without propellant against the vacuum at the upper side. Depending on tube length, platform diameter, pressure, temperature and payload mass, final velocities in the order of several km/s are possible in theory. Thus, such a device could replace at least the heavy primary stage of a launch system that uses a major pa rt of the propellant. This paper introduces the basic idea of the Space Blast Pipe, shows initial technical solutions and gives elementary performance calculations. The limits concerning the feasibility aspect are discussed.