Conference Paper
Manufacturing of ceramic-metal composites using multi-component injection moulding
Other Title
Herstellung von Keramik-Metall-Verbundwerkstoffen durch pulvermetallurgisches Vielkomponenten-Spritzgießen
The implementation of multi-component injection moulding (well known in polymer shaping) into powder technology offers the possibility to create composite materials made of ceramics and metals. In the co-shaping process the different materials, e.g. ZrO2 and steel 17-4PH, are directly injected into one mould. In the subsequent step of co-firing the part is debindered and sintered up to nearly theoretical density. Up to now, the advanced research on multicomponent powder injection moulding has led to a variety of different methods: sandwich injection moulding allows the manufacturing of parts considering a core-cover aspect, assembly moulding offers the possibility to produce devices whose components are free to move against each other, and inmould labelling leads to material compounds with unexpected high aspect ratios. Access to this revolutionary manufacturing technology can be obtained by realizing those strategies that lead to a stable material compound between ceramic and metal during co-sintering. The adjustment of the absolute sintering shrinkage in the combined powder packages can be seen as fundamental requirement for successful cosintering. Entnommen aus <a_href="http://www.fiz-technik.de/db/b_tema.htm" target="_blank">TEMA</a>