Conference Paper
Enabling viable m-Government
This paper presents the research conducted and results achieved by EC project USE-ME.GOV. The prime objective of USE-ME.GOV has been the design and evaluation of a service platform for mobile government services to enable m-Government. This platform can be shared by a network of authorities and institutions in terms of technical infrastructure, content, as well as framework for commercial exploitation. Specific attention has been devoted to technology-related issues such as standards for information exchange. However, implementation issues have also been studied in detail. The project also recommends business models for the sustainable operation of m-Government services taking into account sharing, public-private-partnerships and other sources of funding. The platform aims to offer m-Government as a commodity to public authorities. Due to this commodity character and the supporting recommendations for sustainable operation, USE-ME.GOV is of particular interest for less developed and underdeveloped regions with limited financial resources, since mobile technologies surface as cost effective means for the implementation of wide-area communication and network infrastructures.