Conference Paper
Workflow-embedded training in the IT sector
Other Title
Arbeitsprozessorientierte Weiterbildung in der IT-Branche
On the one hand, the rapid innovation cycles lead to a considerable lack of ITspecialists. On the other hand, there are more than 32,000 unemployed IT - specialists and 60,000 unemployed engineers in Germany. These trends can also be ascribed to a quasi non-existent concept of IT-Training. To solve theseproblems and close the gap caused by the lack of IT-specialist an association of representatives of employers and unions (Bündnis für Arbeit) have initiated a re-structuring of advenced vocational training for the IT-sector. The Fraunhofer ISST has been commissioned to develop a concept for putting this system into practice. Under the title Further Professional Education based on Working Processes (APO), a concept which is work-integrated and based on business processes is to be developed in collaboration with industrial partners and educational institutes.