Conference Paper
Dezentrale Wasserentkeimung durch UV-Systeme mit autarker Energieversorgung
Other Title
Decentralised water desinfection trough UV-systems supplied by stand alone energy plants
In einem vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft (BMWi) geförderten Vorhaben entwickelten die VitaTec GmbH und das ISET ein kompaktes photovoltaisch betriebenes UV-Entkeimungssystem für die Behandlung von keimbelasteten Abwässern. Das Gerät eignet sich für den autarken und mobilen Einsatz.
Water - regarding for drinking or other purposes may contain pathogenic agents, microorganisms and viruses usually resulting from excrements of public and animal being. Treatment with ultraviolet (UV) rays will kill those pathogenic agents and avoid diseases without changing water qualities. This UV water desinfection system powered by photovoltaic, has been developed for waste water treatment. The principal aim of the development is a cost efficient base concept, which is modular structured and easy to realise. The different UV desinfection systems can be powered by PV arrays from 55 up to 550 Wp and desinfect nominal water flow from 125 up to 800 l/h. A programmable control unit allows flexible management, uses switches, time functions and security options. The realised prototype has a maximum flow rate of 250 l/h with an UV radiator power of 11 W and a pump power in dependence of the head between 22 W and 66 W. The PV array has a performance of 110 Wp. For energy storing is a 12 V battery of 90 Ah implemented. A water reservoir is required in order to increase the total efficiency and reliability of the UV system. The water cost estimated within the range of 0,15 and 0,5 DM/m3.