Conference Paper
Vermeiden, Vermindern, Verwerten. Globale Strategien, spezifische Produkt-Ökobilanzen und resultierender Forschungsbedarf
Other Title
Avoidance, reduction, recovery. Global strategies, specific LCAs of products and resulting demand for research
For environmental considerations of strategies for design and waste management of packaging systems, two basically different ways exist: 1. In view of options under optimum conditions a clear ranking may be established as it has been laid down in the German Packaging Ordinance (Verpackungsverordnung). 2. In view of specific packaging systems and realistic scenarios for recovery/waste management processes, such a ranking can no more be supported. Here, individual optimization strategies are predominant. It is difficult to identify general strategies for product design and development within this dilemma. As a solution, the minimization of the overall input of fossile ressources is suggested. With this criterion, plastic packagings offer best options over their competitors especially in the field of high barrier flexible packagings.