Conference Paper
Traffic problems - The relevance of information technology. Status report of a technology assessment study group in the Federal Republic of Germany
Traffic congestions on roads are bound to become a way of life, in paritcular in the Federal Republic of Germany where - due to the political changes in Central and Eastern Europe since 1989 - traffic of goods and persons has augmented tremendously. How far can information technology (IT) help to solve the problems connected with such a rise in traffic? In October 1992, the Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (ITG) within the Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE) has decided to install a Study Group on 'Information Technology and Traffic' in order to discuss the issues of IT applications for improving traffic conditions and for substituting physical traffic by telecommunications under aspects of technology assessment with the goal to develop recommendations for the design of technical solutions which are acceptable under social and ecological aspects and at the same time are effective and efficient as well as economically feasible. This Study Group consists of about 40 to 50 represe ntatives from business, trade and industry, from administrative authorities, from science and research as well as from various associations including the trade unions. The Study Group is organized in four Working Groups dealing with (1) criteria for the organization of future traffic systems, (2) IT applications for substituting physical traffic by telecommunications, (3) IT applications to improve the control and coordination of transport in and between traffic networks, and (4) improve the functioning of vehicles by applying IT. The paper reports on the current status of work of this Technology Assessment Study Group.