Conference Proceeding
New technology-based firms in Britain and Germany. Proceedings of the Workshop
Significant increases in the number of new technology-based firms in Britain and Germany have taken place over the last ten years. This sequel to an earlier Anglo-German project reviews recent development in NTBFs and examines key issues affecting their feature growth. Based on a conference in Cambridge, the study was jointly organized by Segal Quince Wickstead, Cambridge and the Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Karlsruhe. Special issues are: - characteristics of NTBF founders and foundation processes - strategies for successful start-up and development - The organizational life cycle - The role of universities and research institutes in the development of NTBFs and the NTBF sector - The role of consultancy services and of large firms in NTBF development - Financing, the start-up and growth of NTBFs in both countries - The regional distribution of NTBFs in Britain and the role of a public development agency in promoting NTBFs at the re gional level - The pilot scheme for the promotion of NTBFs in Germany. (ISI)
Corporate Author
Fraunhofer-Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung -ISI-, Karlsruhe
Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, London