Photoakustischer Detektor zur Messung von Feinstaub
Other Title
Photoacoustic detector for use with measuring instrument for measuring exhaust gases of motor vehicle or engine test stand, and for measuring concentration of fine dust particles, has pulsed light source for providing excitation light
(A1) Die Erfindung betrifft einen photoakustischen Detektor zur Messung der Konzentration von Feinstaubpartikeln, insbesondere von Kohlenstoffpartikeln im Gas, mit gepulster Lichtquelle zur Bereitstellung von Anregungslicht, wobei durch eine Veraenderung von Pulslaenge und/oder Pulswiederholfrequenz eine Groessenvertielung der Feinstaubpartikel bestimmt werden kann.
DE 102007014519 A1 UPAB: 20081030 NOVELTY - The photoacoustic detector has a pulsed light source for providing excitation light. The size distribution of the fine dust particles is determined by changing the pulse length or the pulse repetition frequency. The units are arranged for concentration of the acoustic energy, particularly for concentration in a range within which the temperature is lower than in the gas containing fine dust. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for a method for a photo-acoustic measurement of fine dust in the gas. USE - Photoacoustic detector for use with measuring instrument for measurement of exhaust gases of a motor vehicle or an engine test stand (Claimed), for measuring the concentration of fine dust particles, particularly carbon particles in gas. ADVANTAGE - The size distribution of the fine dust particles is determined by changing the pulse length or the pulse repetition frequency, and hence ensures a detector for time-dissolved and particularly size-dissolved measurements of fine dust particle concentrations in air.
Miklos, A.
Angster, J.
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