Stanzwerkzeug ohne Gegenhalter
Other Title
Punching tool, punch, and workpeice receiver useful for closed cutting operations in which the workpiece is taken up (sic) on the side of the punch on which the punch is pressed into the workpiece on punching.
Es wird ein Stanzwerkzeug (40) vorgeschlagen, mit dessen Hilfe Werkstuecke (58), deren einem Stempel (62) abgewandte Seite schwer zugaenglich ist, einfach, wirtschaftlich und mit kurzen Taktzeiten bearbeitet werden kann. Besonders bevorzugt koennen Bohrungen oder sonstige Aussparungen aus dem Werkstueck (58) mit Hilfe des Stempels (62) herausgearbeitet werden.
DE1004062960 A UPAB: 20060727 NOVELTY - Punching tool, punch (62), and workpeice receiver (54), where the workpiece (58) where the workpiece is taken up (sic) on the side of the punch on which the punch is pressed into the workpiece on punching. USE - The tool is useful for closed cutting operations. ADVANTAGE - The tool provides quick and efficient cutting and avoids some drawbacks of previous tools, e.g. tools used for boring holes in pipes using coolant oils which have to be removed after cutting and can leave sharp edges and chips remaining in the pipe.
Lessle, P.
Boening, M.
Mueller, M.
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