Other Title
Sealing device for pipes joined with sleeve, comprising area filled with substance expanding in case of leakage.
Die Erfindung betrifft ein Dichtungssystem fuer Muffenrohre, dass sich durch die Faehigkeit auszeichnet, im Leckagefall oder davon unabhaengig durch ein Quellen von einem oder mehreren quellfaehigen innerhalb der Dichtung befindlichen quellfaehigen Bereichen selbstaendig die Dichtfunktion herstellt und die Dichtfunktion durch entsprechende Sensorik innerhalb oder ausserhalb der quellfaehigen Bereiche den Quellvorgang gleichzeitig ueberwacht.
WO 200223070 A UPAB: 20020618 NOVELTY - The sealing device (1) is provided with integrated expanding substances (4), which are activated by a fiber containing area (3) located between the inner surface of the sleeve (2) and the expanding substances (4) in the case of the seal (1) being damaged. By increasing the volume of the sealing device (1) using the expanding substances (4), its sealing quality is restored to its former level. A sensor (5) for the detection of a change in volume can be added. USE - The new design of a sealing device can be used for a pair of pipes joined with a sleeve. ADVANTAGE - The expanding material cannot emerge incidentally from the sleeve, it can be precisely controlled by a sensor device.
Berger, W.
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