Probentraeger zur Kryokonservierung biologischer Proben
Other Title
Sample carrier, to preserve biological samples by deep freezing, has a carrier body with inner hollow zones to be filled by the sample material and carry the temperature conditions consistently through the cells.
Es werden Probentraeger und Verfahren fuer die Kryokonservierung, insbesondere von biologischen Materialien, mit mindestens einem Probenreservoir (2) zur Aufnahme einer biologischen Probe beschrieben, wobei im Probenreservoir (2) ein Traegerkoerper (3) aus einem Material mit einer Volumenstruktur angeordnet ist, die eine Vielzahl von offenen, inneren Hohlraeumen aufweist, die mit der Probe befuellbar sind. Es wird auch die Verwendung von Kraftfahrzeugkatalysator-Strukturen oder biomorpher Keramik zur Herstellung von Traegerkoerpern fuer die Aufnahme von Proben bei der Kryokonservierung beschrieben.
WO2003065014 A UPAB: 20031014 NOVELTY - The sample carrier, to preserve samples at very low temperatures and especially for biological samples, has at least one reservoir (2) to contain the sample. The sample reservoir has a carrier body (3) with a structure composed of a number of hollow zones which can be filled by the sample. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - The sample carrier, to preserve samples at very low temperatures and especially for biological samples, has at least one reservoir (2) to contain the sample. The sample reservoir has a carrier body (3) with a structure composed of a number of hollow zones which can be filled by the sample. The carrier body material has a thermal conductivity of metals, as a honeycomb, a porous body or fitted with channels, or it can have a sponge or foam character. The carrier material can be that of a vehicle exhaust catalyst or a bimorphous ceramic. USE - The sample carrier is for the preservation of biological samples at temperatures of -80 deg. C to -196 deg. C over a number of years. ADVANTAGE - The samples are contained securely and safely, without any temperature gradients or variations within the cells during freezing and thawing.
Zimmermann, U.
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