The Outlook on Nighttime Economy
Economic and demographic shifts as well as technological development might imply certain urban challenges, yet they offer numerous opportunities as well, such as the establishment and upscaling of the 24-hour economy. Economic concerns have long ceased to be limited to the ordinary ""9 to 5"" business. The needs of society have changed and thus the demand for different services in the evening and at night has increased. The nighttime economy, which includes activities between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., offers great opportunities, not only through entertainment as clubs and bars but by providing a significant contribution to the local economic growth. A successful and profitable night economy, however, requires a holistic strategy that has been developed based on the social, cultural, and economic context of a city. As a result, a growing number of cities and municipalities are putting issues relating to nightlife on their political agenda. They organize and regulate night-time activities at the governmental level by, among other things, creating contact points, such as night mayors or coordination offices for the night industry, in order to develop coordinated bottom-up guidelines that facilitate and improve communication and cooperation between the local actors. This helps prevent conflicts and clarify responsibilities. The available best practices from cities like London, Amsterdam, New York, and Mannheim show that a successful night economy must follow a roadmap developed based on a deeper understanding of the night economy through intensive dialogue with the stakeholders including the suburban areas.
Fraunhofer IAO
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