SimQRi - Simualtive Quantifizierung der Risikofolgen und der internen Maßnahmewirkungen in komplexen Beschaffungsketten zur externen Risikobehandlung
Title Supplement
Schlussbericht zu dem IGF-Vorhaben der Forschungsstellen Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT/ An-Institut für Unternehmenskybernetik IfU / CETIC
The SimQRi concept allows SMEs to simulate impact of risks on their process chains considering several scenarios prior to their real occurrence. The developed tool supports enterprises to find their optimal parameter setting for minimal costs (costs due to risks vs. costs of risk treating actions) due to the support of the assessment of procurement risks and risk treatment in a simulative environment. Companies benefit from the simulative environment as they can identify risks and analyse their impact before experiencing them in reality. With the help of the tool, companies can transfer their findings (simulation results) into real life and set the inventory parameters e.g. level of safety stock to a certain level to either cut costs due to reduced safety stock or due to reduced risk costs.
Fraunhofer IPT
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