D4.2.1 - Mechanisms and tools for mobility management and emission control (initial)
We start with the State of the Art section (2) on the evaluation of comparable tools to the MMECP. It is shown how far STREETLIFE or in particular the STREETLIFE MMECP can enhance such tools. In section 3 of this deliverable the derived scenarios and use cases from deliverable D6.1 [1] for each pilot site we describe. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) important for the specific pilot scenarios and use cases are named. Section 4, Methodologies, is a main section of this deliverable. It describes the methodologies that will be used to achieve the goals of the MMECP. Section 5 describes the architecture of the MMECP component. It contains an architecture description including sequence diagrams for a set of main activities of the MMECP. Section 6 of this deliverable lists all technologies and frameworks that are used for the realization of the MMECP. The conclusion section (7) describes the lessons learned so far and the expectations on the further development of the MMECP.