Title Supplement
An Architectural Blue Print
After the Sumatra earth quake in December 2004 the Federal Republic of Germany supports with the GITEWS project the Indonesian government to establish the nucleus of a national tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean. In the context of GITEWS dedicated sensors like buoys with underwater pressure sensors, tide gauge sensors, GPS sensors and seis-mometers are developed and deployed. On the basis of the data provided by the GITEWS sensors a simulation system predicts the creation and propaga-tion of a tsunami wave and enables the staff of the warning centre in Jakarta to issue precise warning messages for the affected costal areas. However, Indonesia has coast lines not only with the Indian Ocean but with the Pacific Ocean too and there are data from non-GITEWS sensors which must be in-cluded to improve the warning process. Therefore, the concepts developed during the GITEWS project have to be extended to incorporate additional sensor data as well as the whole Indonesian coast line into the scope of the warning system to reach the ultimate goal: The development of an Indone-sian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS). The purpose of this paper is to develop an architectural blue print for InaTEWS. It is divided as follows. As an introduction, section 2 gives a short description of the architecture realized in the GITEWS project. Section 3 deals with the distributed data sources and responsibilities in Indonesia and discusses patterns to consolidate data for InaTEWS whereas section 4 de-velops the architectural blue print for the realization of InaTEWS.
Fraunhofer ISST
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