Techno-economic feasibility of large-scale production of bio-based polymers in Europe
An overview of the types of bio-based polymers, their procedures, the production processes applied and the types of uses shows that bio-based polymers is an emerging field. Estimates have been made firstly for the technical substitution potential (33% of the total current polymer production) and then for more realistic production scenarios (1-4% market share by 2020). Energy and GHG emission reduction are significant, but due to low market shares to be expected, absolute savings will be small in the near future. Biobased polymers will not cause any strain within the EU on agricultural land requirements in the near future. Consequently the employment potential in the agricultural sector is limited.
Corporate Author
European Commission, Joint Research Centre -JRC-, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies -IPTS-, Sevilla
European Science and Technology Observatory