Doctoral Thesis
Messung und Interpretation der räumlichen, zeitlichen und witterungsabhängigen Variation der anorganischen Komponenten in luftgetragenen Stäuben
As one of the compartments of the biosphere air contains not only gases, but also solid and liquid particles. The aerosol particles can be of different composition and origin. To be able to assess the risk for man and the potential damage for the forest vegetation it is necessary to make a comprehensive inventory and characterization of particles in the air. For this purpose at seven sites in Baden-Württemberg/FRG aerosol particles were collected and analyzed for the inorganic components acidity (as Hhigh+), ammonia, Nahigh+, Khigh+, Cahigh2+, Mghigh2+, lead, cadmium, nickel, chloride, nitrate and sulfate.
Thesis Note
Zugl.: Bayreuth, Univ., Diss., 1991