Journal Article
Tasks and Hurdles of Digital Transformation in Companies - a Literature-Review
Digital Transformation in logistics and supply chain management is a challenge and a big chance for companies at the same time. It can open new business areas by providing new products and services. However, as promising as the digital transformation looks, the challenges for a successful transformation are not to underestimate. Many companies fail during the digital transformation process. This paper aims to shed light on why some companies have difficulties with digital transformation and others not by looking at the hurdles and responsibilities involved. By comparing the limitations and obligations, this paper identifies gaps and ambiguities that might lead to failure. A structured qualitative literature review presents the status quo of the actual scientific discourse in digital transformation, sums up tasks and barriers of the digital transformation in companies, and derives initial recommendations for action. This paper shows that a digital transformation's hurdles and barriers are multifaceted and can be located on different enterprise levels. Enterprise culture and the top management's awareness and capabilities are essential for digital transformation. The same applies to the tasks of a digital transformation.