Journal Article
Hygrothermal interaction in romanesque rotunda in Znojmo
Other Title
Tepelne-vlhkostní interakce v románské rotunde ve Znojme
The contribution is aimed at the hygrothermal interaction of an indoor climate with an original mural painting in the Romanesque Rotunda in Znojmo. This hygrothermal interaction has been analysed through impact of the heating, ventilation, and number of visitors on the indoor climate with the subsequent impact on the mural painting. This triple parametrical numerical simulation was performed in the WUFI®Plus 3.0 software and independently in the BSim 2000 software and CalA 4.0 software. The numerical simulation of the indoor climate is validated with real long-term measurements from 2011 - 2015 in hourly time steps. A correlation of 99 % was obtained for the WUFI®Plus 3.0 software with the BSim 2000 software for the indoor climate and a correlation of 97 % was obtained for the hygrothermal diffusion in the peripheral wall with the CalA 4.0 software. The obtained results show that a thermal stress up to 2.6 K and a dryness effect up to18.3 kg/m3 caused by the intensive heating act on the mural painting. A thermal stress up to 1.4 K and a dryness effect up to 26.8 kg/m3 was also obtained by the intensive ventilation on the mural painting. This obtained knowledge shows that a natural indoor climate in combination with conservation heating should be preferred over a controlled indoor climate in the Romanesque Rotunda in Znojmo.