Journal Article
Put strong limits on all proposed theories so far assessing electrostatic propulsion: Does a charged high-voltage capacitor produce thrust?
Several claims appeared in the literature that a charged high-voltage capacitor produces thrust. This dates back to the so-called Biefeld-Brown effect that was later explained as a Corona-wind effect. However, part of the claim was that the capacitor still moves even if no ionization takes place and a dielectric is used. Recently, theories appeared supporting such an electrostatic propulsion-scheme. Here we describe an experimental-setup allowing to measure weight changes/forces of capacitors up to 10 kV, eliminating important side-effects from high-voltages down to±0.3 mg. No force was detected for a variety of configurations ruling out most theories by many orders of magnitude.
Tajmar, M.
Institute Director and Head of Space Systems Chair, Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, 01307 Dresden, Germany