Journal Article
Process Mining zur dynamischen Wertstromaufnahme
Other Title
Process mining enabling a dynamic value stream mapping
Globale Märkte und Wettbewerber, kundenindividuelle Produkte, kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und ein enormer Kostendruck stellen produzierende Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Dabei sind transparente Prozesse von fundamentaler Bedeutung. Konventionelle Methoden, wie z. B. die Wertstrommethode, stoßen dabei an ihre Grenzen. Process-Mining-Technologien können Transparenz schaffen und zur Prozessverbesserung beitragen.
Industrial companies face new Industrial companies face new challenges due to globalized markets and competitors, rising requirements of customers, shorter product life cycles and an increasing number of variants. Holistic transparency is of fundamental importance. Conventional value stream mapping methods reach to their limits. Process mining technologies can create transparency and help industrial companies to prosper.challenges due to globalized markets and competitors, rising requirements of customers, shorter product life cycles and an increasing number of variants. Holistic transparency is of fundamental importance. Conventional value stream mapping methods reach to their limits. Process mining technologies can create transparency and help industrial companies to prosper.