Journal Article
Single-laser, polarization-controlled optical sampling systeme
Optical sampling systems traditionally require either one mode-locked laser with an external delay line or two mode-locked lasers with a controllable repetition rate difference. In this paper we present a novel polarization-multiplexed laser architecture combining the benefits of both approaches. The laser emits two mode-locked pulse trains sharing only one gain section without any external delay line. The colliding pulses in the laser have orthogonal polarization as well as opposite propagation directions to reduce coupling effects. With this, the two pulse trains can be freely phase controlled to conduct pump-probe measurements. To further analyze the timing stability of the system, we conducted a two-photon-absorption experiment, leading to a timing accuracy of 30 fs. Based on the novel laser architecture, we call this new approach single-laser polarization-controlled optical sampling, or SLAPCOPS.
Kolano, Michael
Department of Physics and Research Centre OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany and Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Center for Materials Characterization and Testing, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany