Journal Article
Economic impacts of introducing tolls for heavy goods vehicles: A comparison between Spain and Germany
This paper focuses on the wider economic and environmental impacts of introducing or expanding road toll systems for heavy goods vehicles in selected Spanish provinces and their comparison to the impacts of the German toll system. For this purpose literature work and statistical analyses are supported by applications of the European system dynamics model ASTRA and stakeholder interviews. Our main conclusions are that positive as well as negative impacts of road pricing systems are often over-estimated. Enhancing the environmental friendliness of truck fleets through differentiated tariffs and the generation of additional funds for road and other investments are positive arguments for road tolling. However, the review of existing systems and transport model applications show limited to negligible impacts on the transport sector competitiveness, on logistics patterns, on modal shares and on wider economic impacts with current charge levels in Germany and Spain. Some specific user groups such as small and medium sized transport enterprises based in peripheral locations will face considerable difficulties. The success of new of revised truck tolling regimes heavily depends on local conditions, the design of tariffs, the revenues spending and on an active stakeholder participation.