Book Article
Introduction: Surveillance, privacy and security
Three FP7 Security Research projects (PRISMS, PACT and SurPRISE) have addressed these and related questions by putting the perspective of European citi- zens at the very centre of the research focus. The main aims of the projects were to better understand the relation between surveillance, security and privacy, to inform policy-making and to support decision making with the gained insights. In November 2014 the projects convened a scientific event3 to discuss these and other questions related to 'Citizens' Perspectives on Surveillance, Security and Privacy', which collected contributions from the research projects, high level keynote lectures, and presentations from researchers working on similar and related topics. This volume is based on selected contributions to this conference, aiming to present a comprehensive picture of the state of research. Additional authors have been invited in order to round off the content of the book. Focusing on the citizens' perspective on surveillance, privacy and security, this volume contributes new insights from empirical research and theoretical analysis to a debate, characterized by evident tendencies to provide simplified answers to apparently multidimensional and correspondingly complex societal issues like security.
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