Journal Article
Stoffströme für Müllverbrennungsanlagen in 2025
Other Title
Waste materials for incineration plants in 2025
Waste incineration plants are operating at high capacityagain. New legal regulations in the waste management fieldwill promote further recycling of materials. Political developmentsin other areas, such as energy supply and waterconservation, are resulting in new quantities for thermal recovery.According to current figures from the Federal Officeof Statistics, the population has been increasing again since2011. Along with increasing urbanisation, this means thatthe volume of waste is falling less than has frequently beenforecast. Taken together, these trends mean that by 2025the rate of recycling of materials will be high, but between21 to 25 million t/a of waste will still be available for thermalrecovery in waste incineration plants and WtE power plants.According to the results of the expert report presented,the ordered closure of waste incineration plants cannot berecommended.