Journal Article
A scaffold-free in vitro model for osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells
For studying cellular processes three-dimensional (3D) in vitro models are of a high importance. For tissue engineering approaches osseous differentiation is performed on 3D scaffolds, but material depending influences promote cellular processes like adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. To investigate developmental processes of mesenchymal stem cells without cell-substrate interactions, self-contained in vitro models mimicking physiological condition are required. However, with respect to scientific investigations and pharmaceutical tests, it is essential that these tissue models are well characterised and are of a high reproducibility. In order to establish an appropriate in vitro model for bone formation, different protocols are compared and optimised regarding their aggregate formation efficiency, homogeneity of the aggregates, the viability and their ability to induce differentiation into the osteogenic lineage. The protocols for the generation of 3D cell models are based on rotation culture, hanging drop technique, and the cultivation in non adhesive culture vessels (single vessels as well as 96 well plates). To conclude, the cultivation of hMSCs in 96 well non adhesive plates facilitates an easy way to cultivate homogenous cellular aggregates with high performance efficiency in parallel. The size can be controlled by the initial cell density per well and within this spheroids, bone formation has been induced.