Journal Article
Computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics for aircraft noise estimation
Other Title
Numerische Strömungsmechanik und numerische Aeroakustik zur Bestimmung von Flugzeuglärm
A new method for estimating aeroacoustic noise has been introduced to the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP. It is a simulation study based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational aeroacoustics (CAA). CFD is a tool to simulate a flow numerically. Aeroacoustics is a sub-field of acoustics in which sound generated from a turbulent flow is studied. In CAA, such noise is computed numerically. Due to recent development of low-noise aircraft engines, airframe noise has now become comparable to that from engines at landing phase. One major cause of airframe noise is a wing and high lift devices attached to it. This short report summarizes a way to estimate aeroacoustic noise from a wing.