Journal Article
Tuning of thermo-responsive self-assembly monolayers on gold for cell-type-specific control of adhesion
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold containing a thermo-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-poly(ethylene glycol)-thiol copolymer were formed. These layers show considerable potential for inducing enzyme-free and gentle detachment of cultivated cells. In an effort to optimize detachment of cells, including strongly adhering ones, two approaches are presented. First, two thermo-responsive copolymers with different poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) contents of 15 wt % ("P15") and 19 wt % ("P19") were grafted to An surfaces. Second, mixed monolayers were formed containing P19 and various concentrations of thiol bearing PEG. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) on pure and mixed P 19 containing layers confirmed the expected layer compositions. Contact angle measurements showed good functionality of all surfaces prepared. Upon a temperature decrease below the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), the duration until cultivated fibroblasts detached from pure P19 surfaces was half of the one determined on P15. Strongly adherent human osteosarcoma cells could not be detached from pure P19 layers. Through co-adsorption of P19 and thiol-bearing PEG of a molar composition of 1:6, layers were formed that allowed good spreading of osteosarcoma cells above LCST and their efficient detachment below LCST.