Journal Article
GaN/AlGaN HEMT hybrid and MMIC microstrip power amplifiers on s.i. SiC substrate
Other Title
Hybride und MMIC GaN/AIGaN HEMT Mikrostreifenverstärker auf s.i. SiC-Substraten
This work presents very recent examples for the realization of high-power amplifiers for both communication and solid-state radar applications based on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on s.i. SiC substrate. Broadband power amplifiers for mobile communication base stations between 0.9 and 2.7 GHz are presented. Microstrip line X-frequency band power amplifiers provide pulsed output power levels of 10 W with 16 dB of gain at 9 GHz. This work further shows improved device reliability results at V(ind DS) = 30 V and 200 °C channel temperature for gate lengths of 300 nm.