Journal Article
Results of modelling laser-induced plasma in pulsed laser deposition
Other Title
Ergebnisse der Modellierung des laserinduzierten Plasmas bei der Laserimpuls-Schichtabscheidung
Pulsed laser deposition (PM) as a method for thinfilm deposition is distinguished by high energy and density of the short-time particle flow. By interaction of the laser radiation with the solid and the expanding cloud, a more or less ionized plasma is formed, depending on the wavelength and pulse shape. The properties of the deposit depend essentially on the properties of the plasma, as energy content, degree of ionization and composition. Because of the complexity of the phenomena involved, controlling the particle flow reqires experimental analysis as well as theoretical modelling. The visualization of some experiment-related results of theoretical modelling is shown for irradiation of Al targets with different lasers and regimes.