Product line engineering and software project management
Title Supplement
Base practices
Software project management is an integral part of the development of software. The management of software projects must take into account - among other things - the characteristics of the software to be developed, the organization developing the software, as well as the engineering methods used for development. In the PESOA project families of service-oriented applications are investigated. The project management for engineering these is influenced by product line engineering on one hand and by service-orientation on the other. In product line engineering there are two distinct types of software engineering processes, domain engineering and application engineering. These two and also their cooperation/dependencies have to be considered in project management. The service-orientation has influence on the software development process and thus also on the project management. In this report we investigate the influence of product line engineering in project management. We concentrate thereby on the main artifact of the project management, the project plan, and on the project management process. The process consists of different base practices that we discuss considering domain engineering and application engineering aspects.
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