Conference Paper
SimulationOps - Towards a simulation as-a-service platform for resilient societies using a cross-domain data mesh
Cross-domain simulations can be a feasible approach for enhancing disaster resilience as well as promoting resilient societies. This work-in-progress proposes a data-centric process model and software platform architecture called "SimulationOps" aimed at improving cross-domain collaboration between researchers (simulation analysts, simulation modelers) and stakeholders (disaster responders, decision makers) throughout the simulation life cycle for combined simulation artifacts. This way, stakeholders are supported in mitigating disasters, improving overall resilience by gained insights, and improvements in quality and velocity. Applying a four-cycle Design Science Research model to the simulation lifecycle, it combines ideas from modern and agile software engineering practices, simulation-as-a-service approach, and the Data Mesh approach. It combines the technical IT level with the organizational process level to smoothen the workflow for creating, running, and improving cross-domain computer simulation components for both producers as well as consumers of the simulation life cycle.