Journal Article
Microstructural Characterization and Oscillating Sliding Wear Investigations of the Aqueous Suspension Sprayed HVOF WC-12Co Coatings
Thermally sprayed WC-based hardmetal coatings offer high hardness, good sliding wear and abrasion performance and find large applications in mechanical engineering, valve construction, or offshore applications. WC-Co coatings are mainly produced by high-velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF) from conventional spray feedstock powders. In this work, suspension-HVOF spraying (S-HVOF) was used to produce dense-structured WC-12Co coatings and their microstructural, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated. Significant work was devoted to the development of appropriate aqueous suspensions starting from commercially available fine WC and Co raw powders feedstock. Suspension spraying was carried out using gas-fuelled HVOF TopGun system; for comparison purposes, liquid-fuelled HVOF K2 was employed to spray WC-12Co coatings starting from commercially available spray powder. Microstructural characterization, x-ray diffraction and microhardness of the coatings were evaluated. Oscillating sliding wear tests were conducted against sintered alumina and WC-6Co balls. The sliding wear performances of the WC-Co sprayed coatings were discussed in term of their microstructure, phase composition and coating-ball test couples.
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz -BMWK-