Conference Paper
Survey of the cloud computing standards landscape 2015
Cloud Computing is increasingly used as the platform for IT infrastructure provisioning, application/systems development and end user support of a wide range of core services and applications for businesses and organisations. Cloud Computing is drastically changing the way IT is delivered and used. However, many challenges remain to be tackled. Concerns such as security, vendor lock-in, interoperability and accessibility are examples of issues that need to be addressed. Standards and certification programs play an important role in terms of increasing the market confidence in Cloud Computing. The availability of Cloud Computing standards and certification schemes that address current concerns will ensure that both customers/users as well as providers are likely to regard Cloud Compu ting with the same level of reliability, trust and maturity as traditional IT. In February 2015, the Cloud Standards Coordination Phase 2 (CSC-2) was launched by ETSI to address issues left open after the initial Cloud Standards Coordination work was completed at the end of 2013. CSC-2 is investigating some specific aspects of the Cloud Computing Standardization landscape, in particular from the point of view of the Cloud Computing users (e.g., SMEs, Administrations). In this paper, we will present final results of the work.