Journal Article
Measurement of collision conditions in magnetic pulse welding processes
Other Title
Messung der Kollisionsbedingungen beim Magnetpulsschweißen
MPW (magnetic pulse welding) is a solid state joining technology that allows for the generation of strong metallic bonds, even between dissimilar metals. Due to the absence of external heat, critical intermetallic phases can largely be avoided. In this process, Lorentz forces are utilized for the rapid acceleration of at least one of the two metallic joining partners leading to the controlled high velocity impact between them. The measurement of the collision conditions and their targeted manipulation are the key factors of a successful process development. Optical measuring techniques are preferred, since they are not influenced by the prevalent strong magnetic field in the vicinity of the working coil. In this paper, the characteristic high velocity impact flash during MPW was monitored and evaluated using phototransistors in order to measure the time of the impact. The results are in good accordance with the established PDV (photon Doppler velocimetry) and show a good repeatability. Furthermore, the collision front velocity was investigated using adapted part geometries within a series of tests. This velocity component is one of the key Parameters in MPW; its value decreases along the weld zone. With the help of this newly introduced measurement tool, the magnetic pressure distribution or the joining geometry can be adjusted more effectively.