Journal Article
Fast inductive curing of adhesively bonded glass-timber joints
Induction heating of timber/glass-joints at the level of lap-shear specimens is used to accelerate curing of a silane-terminated epoxy. It was shown that handling strength could be achieved within only 10 minutes of heating, instead of hours or days. This finding identifies inductive heating as a promising method for accelerated curing in the construction industry. The correlation of heat development with mixing ratio of particles was shown. This allows controlled post-curing until final strength is achieved. Fracture patterns were investigated using various surface analytical methods. The results showed almost no differences between induction cured and room temperature curing of the adhesives, regardless of the systems having different chemical composition due to the filler material. However, the results of the XPS have shown that in both cases, inductively cured samples and samples cured at room temperature, the added particles have good adhesion to the adhesive itself and therefore do not weaken the bond when it comes to mechanical testing.