Diploma Thesis
Mitarbeiterzentriertes Wissensmanagement in produzierenden kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Motivation und Selbstbildungskompetenz - Analyse und Konzeption
About incentive systems, it was necessary to define the terms motive, incentive or stimulus and motivation. With an incentive system the employees schould get motivated to act in a direction that business goals are supported. Beside the different requirements for the incentive systems for the knowledge managements in SMEs like flexibility or simplicity, there are four different design areas: definition of the business goals, determining the terms of reference, definition of the incentive instruments and monitoring and evaluation of the staff performance. The practical part of the thesis related on the' previously worked out theoretical base on incentive systems for knowledge management in SMEs. An analysis and design was made with the company KLH Kältetechnik GmbH in the context of the project IMAP leaded by the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research and the Fraunhofer Application Centre Large Structures in Production Engineering. The company KLH-Kältetechnik is a typical SME. The analysis showed that there are no or few goals related to knowledge management. Thus, the focus of the developments within the project should focus on the blue-collar workers which build the refrigeration systems. In the concept phase possible incentive instruments where chosen for the KLH-Kältetechnik GmbH and integrated in computer related system called BlueCollar- Worker-Knowledge-Wiki (Werker-Wissens-Wiki).
Thesis Note
Rostock, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2010
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