Conference Paper
Concept for a modular system model for energy-efficiency monitoring of factory supply systems
Companies in the manufacturing industry are facing the challenges of both reducing energy costs as well as driving decarbonization. As a result, energy efficiency optimization of factory operations is gaining importance. Due to their high share in the energy consumption of a factory, industrial supply technology is of interest for these optimizations. Particularly cooling systems used in factories often offer considerable potential for energy efficiency improvements, some of which can be realized through optimized control strategies. Optimization based on control technology in particular requires a high level of energy consumption transparency in order to identify potentials and measure efficiency improvements. However, industrial supply systems are often complex and interconnected facilities composed of a combination of various individual assets. Consequently, the energy efficiency monitoring and analysis of such systems typically require a high manual effort. To reduce this effort, we propose the development of a modular system model which decomposes complex, interconnected energy systems to individual, recurring assets. The system model consists of a standardized data exchange format, a standardization of structural and behavioral models in the form of a model library for industrial supply systems at different hierarchy levels, and a standardized interface for using the data model on a target platform such as an energy management software. The data model of the data exchange format maps data points such as the control and media interfaces as well as energy performance indicators of the individual assets in a standardized and consistent way. Similar to the concept of digital twins, the knowledge of manufacturers and operators about the system is to be seamlessly combined and utilized. By connecting the interfaces of the individual asset models, an aggregate structural model of a factory supply system is built. The aggregate structural model enables the calculation of consistent and comparative energy performance indicators at equipment and system level. In this way, the implementation of energy efficiency monitoring and the assessment of energy efficiency potentials and improvements is facilitated. The system model concept is demonstrated using an industrial cooling system comprising individual assets such as a cooling tower, a chiller and pumps.