Diploma Thesis
Development of software tools for reading, writing and interchanging electrocardiograms and medical files according to SCP-ECG
This project focuses on the development of tools for managing with the interchanging of electrocardiograms and medical files according to the Standard Communication Protocol for Computer-assisted Electrocardiography (SCP-ECG). The standard SCP-ECG is described in the document prEN 1064:2002 prepared by the European Committee for Standardization of Health Informatics (CEN/TC 251) The project contains applications for reading and creating SCP-files as well as for interchanging them. Within the dissertation, the state of art is described. Then, the implementation of the project is explicated. To conclude, future possible extensions are explained.
Thesis Note
Darmstadt, TU, Dipl.-Arb., 2004
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