Journal Article
Application of Reconfiguration Process for Matrix Manufacturing System in an Industrial Use Case
The increasing need for changeable and, at the same time, productive production systems in variant-rich series production has generated the concept of so-called matrix manufacturing systems (MMS). A MMS is a cyber-physical modular production system composed of autonomous process modules. Flexible interlinking results in order-specific material flows, which enable the simultaneous production of different products and variants in the same production system. Cyber-physical elements continuously optimize the material flows, ensuring high productivity.. Beyond this flexibility aspect, modularity enables deeper changes via so-called reconfigurations. Reconfiguration requirements arise from the need to change the range of functions or capacities as well as from changes in the arrangement or the replacement of working methods. This way, the four goals of production variability, quality, speed, and profitability can be optimized. In order to use the possibility of recurring reconfigurations, the so-called reconfiguration process for MMS was developed in previous work. Now, the process is applied in an industrial use case. The effort to apply the process to the use case is estimated, as well as the additional effort to enable reconfiguration capabilities of the system. Then, the reconfiguration process is run through two scenarios. This allows a statement about the resulting efforts and benefits. The interpretation of the results shows that recurring reconfigurations are possible via the process and that the resulting benefits exceed the efforts. The paper concludes with the outlook that further research should work out ways to automate functions of the reconfiguration process step by step. These can be designing, decision-making, and execution functions. This could lay the foundation for the autonomous execution of reconfigurations aimed at so-called fluid production systems.