Overview of heating and cooling. Perceptions, markets and regulatory frameworks for decarbonisation. Executive summary
The overall objectives of this study are to contribute to optimal pathways for decarbonisation of heating and cooling. The study depicts the perception or image of heat pumps and district heating and cooling among different consumers in the residential, industrial and public sectors, and analyses key elements and drivers that govern the decisions of key actors regarding H&C technologies. In a first step, a literature meta-analysis is carried out. Second, to fill the gaps identified in the literature with respect to perceptions and key drivers of decisions in heating and cooling, a survey among households and interviews with rep-resentatives of the industrial and public sectors are conducted. In a third step, a detailed literature and document analysis regarding the monetary and non-monetary incentives of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in heating and cooling is accomplished. The analysis includes also expert talks or interviews. Furthermore, the different cost components of DHC and HP are examined from perspectives of suppliers and final consumer. Finally, the potential of energy efficiency obligations schemes (EECSs) is analysed with respect to their tradable components to ensure an efficient and effective use of measures and policies, contributing to the decarbonisation of the H&C system.
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