Conference Paper
Approach to evaluate uncertainty in passive and active vibration reduction
Uncertainty is an important design constraint when configuring a dynamic mechanical system that is subject to passive or active vibration reduction. Uncertainty can be divided into the categories unknown, estimated and stochastic uncertainty depending on the amount of information, e.g. of the principal mechanical parameter's deviation in inertia, energy dissipation, compliance and today more and more with active energy feeding to enhance damping. In this paper, these uncertainty categories as well as solutions for uncertainty control in the early design phase will be described and evaluated analytically in a simple but consistent and transparent way on the basis of a mathematical dynamic linear model. The model is a one degree of freedom mass-damper-spring system representing a suspension leg supporting a vehicle's chassis that is subject to passive and active damping. The amplitude and phase responses in frequency domain are shown analytically in case studies for different assumptions of the effective uncertainty. Amongst others, sample tests are conducted by Monte Carlo Simulations when stochastic uncertainty is considered. The uncertainty examinations on vibration reduction for the selected dynamical model show promising results indicating the predominance of active damping vs. passive damping statistically.